“Nanna Mexico is born out of the spirit my nanna passed on to me” -Luis, the owner says. It is bornout of the hardship of the Mexican streets. Out of the fight for survival. And out of the intensepassion that such a life breeds.
“Nanna Mexico is born out of the spirit my nanna passed on to me” -Luis, the owner says. It is bornout of the hardship of the Mexican streets. Out of the fight for survival. And out of the intensepassion that such a life breeds.

This passion was behind the creation of Nanna Mexico nine years ago, a passion to bring his nanna’s Mexico to the UK in one authentic piece. The smells, the colours, the textures, and most importantly, the ingredients of my nanna’s kitchen are what you will find here.
It was a long way from that table in the street, but he like to think that his role now is the same as his nanna’s was way back then. To serve you delicious, fresh food to nourish you for the day ahead.

“This is the food I grew up eating. I felt there was room for someone to do it with a little more style; stripping away the Chihuahuas and sombreros and tapping into a part of Mexico that’s beautiful in a way Londoners will appreciate.”