Matamores goes beyond the mezcal trend offer, with a 100% handmade bottle, and a limited and exquisite cured production, the brand transforms this craft drink into a true work of art.
Matamores goes beyond the mezcal trend offer, with a 100% handmade bottle, and a limited and exquisite cured production, the brand transforms this craft drink into a true work of art.

The craft mezcal can use the conical floor kilns and the masonry kiln according to the region, the ancestral mezcal only occupies the conical floor kiln.

The figure of Kauymali integrates various symbolic planes. He is considered the Big Brother-Wolf; son of Father Sun, born of the sandal of this great god. Picaro, embabucador "medio maldito", shaman-child, revealer of the will of the Sun, prone to debauchery, of voluble character, mischievous elf. The Huichols imagine him as a great teacher who "taught them almost everything they know".

For this project, the main challenge was to achieve a reinterpretation of the representative figures of the Hichol culture within a simple and sophisticated language, preserving the mystery of the Huichol culture, its bottled mysticism.

We all cry for something; some, others a lot,Today, I cry while looking through my tears.