This brand project is about consumer democracy, Hr! Is a chain of stores of popular products at very affordable prices, so now much of the Mexican population can do more with their money. The idea is to go back to the beginning, where design should benefit all and not only be an accessory for the upper class, this project is about doing more with less.
This brand project is about consumer democracy, Hr! Is a chain of stores of popular products at very affordable prices, so now much of the Mexican population can do more with their money. The idea is to go back to the beginning, where design should benefit all and not only be an accessory for the upper class, this project is about doing more with less.

We want a project that engages any type of audience, in a country with a very strong social contrast, design has to be accesible, like, really accessible. HR! appeals to be democratic and for everyone.

Hr! started with the idea of targeting low-income households with some sort of fixed-price idea. There was somewhat of a stigma that came with prowling the sometimes-junky aisles of these stores, but somehow, that has become less inhibiting, and that’s because over the years they have attracted more of the regular customers.