Beyond composting, Devoured digests food waste leaving nothing but water behind. Its secret lays inthe advanced technology and process that works in a way that delivers a cleaner, truly reliablesolution to food waste. For the development of this idea, we sought to go beyond boring and formalsolutions and look for a fun and different design language.
Beyond composting, Devoured digests food waste leaving nothing but water behind. Its secret lays inthe advanced technology and process that works in a way that delivers a cleaner, truly reliablesolution to food waste. For the development of this idea, we sought to go beyond boring and formalsolutions and look for a fun and different design language.

Alongside education to keep physical contaminants out of our feedstock, as well as improved screening and depackaging technologies, these materials must be better managed at composting sites. Although more complicated at times, composters must consider segregating dirty feedstocks from clean ones, perhaps producing different grades of compost at the same site. Devoured doesn’t only want to sell a product related to soil treatment, but to make culture awareness about the importance of these kind of actions.